When A Law Is Changed
By Scott Seaton

On Friday morning, June 24, I was in Montgomery, Alabama visiting memorials to the era of Jim Crow and Civil Rights, when a member of Emmanuel texted me the news of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. I’ve longed believed that God forms life in the womb, that we are indeed “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps 139:14), and that the innate dignity and worth of every person is based on this truth. It’s why we care so deeply about the poor, the elderly, the sick and dying, the immigrant, the person from another ethnicity who is denied justice. We affirm not only that life begins in the womb, but our dignity as well—and can never be taken away. And so the Memorial to Peace and Justice was a fitting place to hear the news.
But it was fitting for another reason as well. The Montgomery memorials are also reminders that inequity and division don’t end simply when a law is changed. And so it will be in the post-Roe era. As you are well aware, we are about to see a patchwork of laws across our nation, as some states make abortion illegal altogether, others enact some limitations, and still others enshrine access. So while a law has changed, inequity and division haven’t.
And so what is our responsibility as Christians? Many things, but certainly we are called to be people of prayer, peace, and sacrifice. Prayer, that we would all recognize our humanity begins in the womb, and for God to bring healing to our divided nation. Peace, that we would be empathetic to people who hold differing views, whatever they may be. And sacrifice, that we would increase our commitment to care for children in need of fostering and adoption, and care for single parents who are struggling. For more on caring for vulnerable children and mothers, I commend this Christianity Today article.
Please join me in prayer in the coming weeks and months, that we would be a people who lean in, caring for all of life, from our first to our final moments. And may the Lord bless you and keep you, always.
Of course, our work in caring for vulnerable mothers and children is far from over. Emmanuel partners with several ministries that help meet spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those in crisis, including:
Assist Pregnancy Center provides holistic support to parent(s) with an unplanned pregnancy.
Project Belong equips churches in Northern Virginia to serve vulnerable kids in need of fostering and adoption.
These and other related ministries always need prayer, volunteer and financial support, and it would be especially timely to come alongside our vital partners and the good work they’re doing.
But it was fitting for another reason as well. The Montgomery memorials are also reminders that inequity and division don’t end simply when a law is changed. And so it will be in the post-Roe era. As you are well aware, we are about to see a patchwork of laws across our nation, as some states make abortion illegal altogether, others enact some limitations, and still others enshrine access. So while a law has changed, inequity and division haven’t.
And so what is our responsibility as Christians? Many things, but certainly we are called to be people of prayer, peace, and sacrifice. Prayer, that we would all recognize our humanity begins in the womb, and for God to bring healing to our divided nation. Peace, that we would be empathetic to people who hold differing views, whatever they may be. And sacrifice, that we would increase our commitment to care for children in need of fostering and adoption, and care for single parents who are struggling. For more on caring for vulnerable children and mothers, I commend this Christianity Today article.
Please join me in prayer in the coming weeks and months, that we would be a people who lean in, caring for all of life, from our first to our final moments. And may the Lord bless you and keep you, always.
Of course, our work in caring for vulnerable mothers and children is far from over. Emmanuel partners with several ministries that help meet spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those in crisis, including:
Assist Pregnancy Center provides holistic support to parent(s) with an unplanned pregnancy.
Project Belong equips churches in Northern Virginia to serve vulnerable kids in need of fostering and adoption.
These and other related ministries always need prayer, volunteer and financial support, and it would be especially timely to come alongside our vital partners and the good work they’re doing.