
Are you new to our church? Get connected!
Children’s Lent Devotionals
Parents with kids in Children’s Ministry, be sure to grab a Lent Devotional in the lobby.

Roundtable Discussions
Sign up for one of our Roundtable book discussions. Check out the book selections and sign ups in the lobby.
  • Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop
  • Merciful by Randy Nabors
  • Life Together by Dietrich Bonheoffer
  • When Helping Hurts by Brian Fikkart and Steve Corbett

Daylight Savings Time - Sunday (March 9)
Remember to set your clocks forward before going to bed on Saturday night for DST.

Congregational Lunch
Emmanuel is invited to a congregational lunch Sunday, March 9,  at Rivendell immediately after worship service! We ask that everyone bring a large side dish to share. If you’re planning to stay, please consider signing up to help setup or clean up on the registration on Church Center

Sparks Meeting
Third through fifth graders are invited to a Sparks meeting Sunday, March 9,  from 12:15-2pm. Meet upstairs in the second floor conference room for lunch, games and a lesson.

Youth Group
All students in 6th-12th grade are invited to Youth Group Sunday, March 9,  from 12:15-1:30pm. Grab food from the congregational lunch and meet upstairs outside of the gym when you’re finished eating..

Coffee & Conversations
Join Arlington Bridge Builders on Fridays from 4:30-5:30pm at Mission NOVA (5401 7th Rd S) to volunteer as an English conversation partner. Meetings will be every Friday up to April 4. Email Judy with any questions.

Latino Mental Health Seminar Volunteering
If you are interested in volunteering with the Latino Mental Health Seminar Saturday, March 15, hosted by Emmanuel at Rivendell, please sign up on Church Center or email Marissa. We appreciate your support for this big event. Register to attend the event as a participant HERE.

Evangelism Seminar
Join Matt DeGioia for “Telling a Better Story”, a seminar on how to have more winsome conversations with others about Jesus. Meet after service Sunday, March 16, for lunch and conversation.

RILA Benefit Concert
The worship band, Porter’s Gate, will be doing a benefit concert for RILA Sunday, March 16, at 7pm at Restoration Church. Register at the link HERE.

Parenting Seminar
Register for Emmanuel's Spring Parenting Seminar: "Toward Wholeness: Equipping Parents to Talk to Their Children about Sexuality and Pornography." Lunch and childcare Sunday, March 23, will be provided. Please register on Church Center so that we can plan for lunch and other logistics.

Women’s Day Away Signups
Registration for the Women’s Day away Saturday, May 3, is open! Please register on Church Center.

Save-the-Date: Men's Day Away
Mark your calendar for the Men's Day Away this Spring for a time of deeper fellowship and retreat. The Men’s Day Away will be on May 31st,  hosted at McLean Presbyterian Church.

What you Need to Know this week

Internships at Emmanuel
We are looking to hire two interns who are interested in serving our Youth Group and generally with our church. Being a Youth Intern and a Church Ministry Intern will provide an opportunity to gain ministry experience in a diverse context, while also helping to support the work of Emmanuel. This 10-hour a week, paid position will go from September to June. You can pick up the job description in the lobby on Sunday. If you are interested or know of anyone who is interested contact Stephen Bates.

Rides for Marymount Students
Cru at Marymount is looking for volunteers to give students rides to Emmanuel on Sunday mornings. The campus is less than 5 minutes from Rivendell. If you're able to do so please contact Matt.

Help With Food Pantry Deliveries
Arlington Bridge Builders is looking for volunteers to serve as food pantry delivery drivers on Saturdays throughout the summer to neighbors in need. ABB meets at 11:30am and the deliveries usually take less than an hour. If you’re interested in serving, please contact the office.

Spiritual Practices
Emmanuel is introducing a series of spiritual practices for the congregation to explore together as one body in Christ. Each month, we will introduce a new spiritual practice, and will provide resources on how to engage more deeply. Visit our website to learn more, and contact Stephen Bates if you would like to sign up for scripture verse emails!

 Women's Emmanuel Soul Care Team
The Women's Emmanuel Soul Care Team is launching a prayer partner ministry to connect women together in prayer. Please sign up on the app or the link  if you would like to join.

Youth Mentor Opportunity
We are looking for male youth mentors to be a part of the youth ministry at Emmanuel in the fall. If you are interested in ministering to students at a crucial moment in their story, please contact Stephen Bates.

Volunteer with Emmanuel ESL
Come join the Emmanuel team to teach English as a Second Language (ESL)! We are looking for two motivated volunteers to assist with ESL classes that occur right after service at Rivendell. Students learn conversational English to become more familiar with speaking on various topics and to have easier phone conversations. Interested or have questions? Contact Judy Kauer or Kristine Leiphart.

Volunteer with Restoration Immigration Legal Aid
Restoration Immigration Legal Aid (RILA) hosts legal clinics for immigrants seeking asylum Wednesday evenings twice a month. Interested volunteers are invited to learn more at the next orientation. RSVP  for the Zoom link.


Food pantry Drop-Offs


Arlington Bridge Builders is looking for volunteers to assist with food pantry distribution and praying for our community. If you would like to volunteer, you can sign up here.
If you have a servant's heart and want to promote life, there are many volunteer opportunities at Assist. They are in particular need of medical volunteers and male and female client mentors available during the day. Contact Shannon at 703.354.7291, option 6.
Employment opportunities are available. Learn more.


If you are interested in reaching the Spanish speaking community in the area, please reach out to Carlos Dimas to find out how you can help. You do not need to speak Spanish to participate!


Are you interested in being a part of the Tech Team? "What's the Tech Team," you ask? Come be a part of the people who make Sunday services happen. From sound, to lyrics, to set up. Email Stephen Bates for more info. No experience required!