Stewardship is the practice of cultivating and giving away our resources, all in light of the grace of Jesus
Congregational Application of the Practice
Join us in giving to one of our ministry partners this month. If you have children, please pray with them for the ministry as you give.
Stewardship Resources

The Grace of Giving: A 5-day devotional from John Stott designed for churches, small groups, and individuals who want to better understand the gracious work of the Holy Spirit in us and how that work affects our understanding and use of money.

The sermons of St John Chrysostom are some of the richest classical commentaries on the Christian life. Knowing well the realities of life in the world, the temptation of rich and poor alike, this great orator—"the golden-mouthed"—addresses the questions of wealth and poverty in the lives of the people of his day.